
A tablet that runs Linux? - The Jingpad A1

SS Karthik

With the advent of the iPad pro, the question of whether a Tablet could replace our Laptops and desktops has been raised and we are close to an answer. For some workloads, the iPad is far superior than any other device and is fully capable of replacing a computer, especially with the addition of the new M1 Desktop SOC.

But for IT professionals who are into programming, or work with servers and networking gear, the idea that a tablet can replace their PC is almost ridiculous. Or is it?

This is the question that JingLing Tech wants to answer with their Jingpad A1. When you take a look at the device, it looks an awful lot like the iPad pro. This becomes more apparent when you take a look at the UI. It is almost similar to iPad OS.

So, you might think that this is just a chinese clone of the iPad pro, but what makes it an amazing device that can for sure replace your PC is that it runs Linux!

Yes, Complete full linux with Mouse and keyboard support. There are special apps optimized for touch in the store but you can just pull up a terminal and install whatever you want onto it and use it just like a Linux PC. In fact, you can connect an external monitor to this and voila, you have a full blown Linux Desktop experience.

JingOS, is the Linux distro that the Jingpad runs and the desktop environment is a heavily modified version of KDE Plasma. Not to mention, the JingOS store also supports the installation of android apps. A few notable professional software displayed on their website that work with the Jingpad include WPS office suite and also Microsoft Visual studio code.

So, I feel that the idea that a tablet can replace your desktop is actually one that could work in the future. I also like the idea of a Linux capable tablet rather than something that runs a mobile OS. Don’t get me wrong, the iPad pro is very capable and powerful and also has a desktop level SOC, but at the end of the day it is running iPad OS. Not Mac OS.

For me, if a tablet is ever going to replace my laptop, software is highest up on the wishlist and when the Jingpad A1 launches, I am sure it will be a formidable step towards the future of computing.